
Monday, July 20, 2015


 Now that it's been almost a week since my daughter has been diagnosed with Autism, I am finding that time management, organization, and finding a balance is going to be very important. With the initial phase of getting my daughter additional help, taking her to her day treatment program, research/reading about Autism, sitting in couple of her therapy sessions a week, taking care of my almost 3 year old son, everyday things like laundry, and running a shop on Etsy.  It's going to take some organizing and scheduling.

One of the first things I did was go to Target and bought 2 2" binders, 2 notebooks, and a journal.

1.) The binder is for me to file my daughter's goals, progress notes/goals from her day treatment program, questions I may have for the doctor, and whatever else will be important to keep (research articles I may want to keep). It has dividers in the binder for those sections. 
2.) The journal is for me to take notes from research. Also to write down the things that my daughter is doing.
3.) The notebook is a communication tool for me and my daughter's school. I write in it what she is doing at home as far as how is she eating with or without iPad, new behaviors may need to be addressed.

I also keep a notepad in the binder with my to-do lists for her care and also questions to ask her doctors about. Another important tool for me is a planner.. Oh my gosh!! My planner is going to be my best friend to write down appointments, important things to remember as I run my business, and anything else that will be going on.

While my daughter is in her day treatment program, my son is home with me except one day a week when he's in preschool that day. When he's home, we're working on building his words, interactive activities that he would enjoy, and of course potty training. When he is in day care, that is my day to work on orders in my Etsy shop, sit in on one of my daughter's therapy sessions, and/or work on the house.

My son also has a binder where I will keep all his goals, progress notes/goals for when he gets evaluated for speech therapy. Each week, I write down the words I want to work with him on in his notebook.

In the next post, I will show how I organize my kids' binders :)

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