
Sunday, July 19, 2015

My Hope For Addison

There's a scene in Desperate Housewives I think about often. Lynette is pregnant with twins and finds out one of them will have special needs. As she is trying to cope with the news of her child's disability of being blind, will not be to walk, graduate college. Her husband tells her that with her being home and have intense therapy, their child could have a chance at life.

In one scene (I tried looking for the video) it is shows her son as a baby and her and the therapist are working together on leg strengthening and exercises in the home.

Later, you see her son walking with a cane and trying to get her to make a sandwich. At first, she said, "As soon as I'm done, I will make you one." There was a bit of an argument between them that he can do make a sandwich himself. As she ignores some of the argument, she watches her son making his own sandwich.

The last scene shows him graduating from law school and is valdictorian of his class. He mentions in his speech what the doctors told his mom of what he would not be able to do and basically he proved them wrong.

As I think about these scenes, it makes me teary eyed thinking about what the doctors has told us about Addison of what she will not be able to do in the future. Things that we take for granted and wish for our kids: going to college, driving a car, getting married, and maybe even have children of their own.

My hope is that we will prove the doctors wrong and she will do all the things we have dreamed for her to accomplish.


  1. Doctors are wrong all the time. One told me that one of my twins would not weigh enough to be viable at birth, if he even made it that far. He did make it to viability, and weighed 1 lb 7.5 oz. He is now three, and you can't even tell he was a micro preemie. Hang on to hope!

  2. Your strong! I agree with Shann Eva, doctors are not always right. I am praying for Addison. With your strength and God's help she will over come these disabilities and make them into abilities!
