
Friday, July 17, 2015

My Role as a Therapy Mom

You've heard the phrases: stay at home mom, work at home mom, soccer mom, and maybe dance mom. Well, I'm a therapy mom and proud of it. My day consists of taking my daughter to therapy 5 days a week, filling out paperwork to get additional therapy at home, and possibly have speech therapy come to my house to give my daughter help with any issues at the home. My son who is mimicking some of my daughter's speech delay is also getting evaluated to get him speech therapy. So, yes, I am a therapy mom.

At the end of the day or on the weekends, when she is home from her day treatment school, we are continuing her therapy as parents. Whether it's doing the sensory brushing, joint compressions, or researching on the next communication sign or word, this is my role. I also spend my time researching appropriate toys that could help both my children to develop properly.

Because my daughter is currently at a 15 month development age in a 4 year old body, I have to think of additional safety measures. I also have to think about how am I going to get her potty trained when she is not aware of her body. I have to think about when she is sick to put the puzzle together of what could be wrong when she cannot tell me what is wrong.

On top of these tasks, I also have to make sure my almost 3 year old son is not affected in personality and his development as he gets older. Making sure he does not feel left out when our attention is on our daughter. And making sure that the every day normal stuff gets done: laundry, meal planning, keeping up with the house.

My role as a mom has taken on a bigger role since we received my daughter's diagnosis. Something as a mom, I don't take lightly.

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